Farming in the Frigid Cold

Farm in the WinterThe new year arrived with bitter cold this year, not just in Minnesota but across much of the U.S.

Sub-zero temperatures as far south as St. Louis made national headlines, and other major cities like Chicago, Milwaukee, and of course Minneapolis, dealt with temperatures in the neighborhood of twenty below and wind chills much colder.

For those hardy folks who work OUTSIDE in such weather, many people wonder just how they do it. This was evidenced by the many stories and photos of farmers that got media attention during the cold snap.

Farmers need to make sure livestock are staying healthy in the cold, barns are kept warm enough, water lines aren’t frozen, and snow is plowed so  feed and delivery trucks and employees can arrive safety. For dairy farms, it is crucial that the milk truck can always get through to pick up fresh milk. When the weather is super cold, they may even have to take measures to keep the bulk tank warm enough so the milk doesn’t freeze!

For a real inside look, we’ve compiled a listing of recent articles and blogs focused on how farmers deal with the cold. {We have a feeling you’ll be extra grateful for the farmers who grow your food after reading a few.}

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